No. 178. Many advantages not to be enjoyed together.
Purs sanitatis velle sanuria fuit. SENECA. To yield to remedies is half the cure. Pythagoras is reported to have required …
Purs sanitatis velle sanuria fuit. SENECA. To yield to remedies is half the cure. Pythagoras is reported to have required …
Turpe est difficiles habere nugas. MART. Lib. ii. Ep. lxxxvi. 9. Those things which now seem frivolous and slight, Will …
—Naso suspendis adunco. HOR. Lib. i. Sat. vi. 5. On me you turn the nose.— There are many vexatious accidents …
Rari quippe boni: numerus vix est totidem quot Thebarum portae, vel divitis ostia Nili. Juv. Sat. xiii. 26. Good men …
Faenum habet in cornu, longe fuge; dummodo risum Excutiat sibi, non hic cuiquam parcet amico. HOR. Lib. i. Sat. iv. …
Quo virtus, quo ferat error. HOR. De Ar. Poet. 308. Now say, where virtue stops, and vice begins? As any …
Sæpe rogare soles, qualis sim, Prisce, futurus, Si fiam locuples, simque repente potens. Quemquam posse putas mores narrare futuros? Die …
Tædet coeli convexa tueri. VIRG. Æn. iv. 451. Dark is the sun, and loathsome is the day. TO THE RAMBLER. …
Confiteor; si quid prodest delicta fateri. OVID. Am. Lib. i. El. iv. 3. I grant the charge; forgive the fault …
Nec pluteum cædit, nec demorsos sapit ungues. PER. Sat. i. 106. No blood from bitten nails those poems drew; But …