No. 125. The difficulty of defining comedy. Tragick and comick sentiments confounded.
Descriptas servare vices, operumque colores, Cur ego, si nequeo ignoroque, pota salutor? HOR. De Ar. Poet. 86. But if, through …
Descriptas servare vices, operumque colores, Cur ego, si nequeo ignoroque, pota salutor? HOR. De Ar. Poet. 86. But if, through …
Taciturn sylvas inter reptare salubres, Curantem quicquid dignim sapiente bonoque est? HOR. Lib. i. Ep. iv. 4. To range in …
Even while I am preparing to write a history of disappointed expectations, I cannot forbear to flatter myself.
Nescio qua natale solum dulcedine captos Ducit. OVID, Ex Pon. Lib. i. Ep. iii. 35. By secret charms our native …
O imitatores, servum pecus! Hor. Lib. i. Ep. xix. 19. Away, ye imitators, servile herd! ELPHINSTON. I have been informed …
In the reign of Jenghiz Can, conqueror of the east, in the city of Samarcand, lived Nouradin the merchant, renowned throughout all India.
Iliacos intra muros peccatur, et extra. HOR. Lib. i. Ep. ii, 16. Faults lay on either side the Trojan tow’rs. …
Omnes illacrymabiles Urgentur, ignotique longa Nocte. Hon. Lib. iv. Ode ix. 26. In endless night they sleep, unwept, unknown. FRANCIS. …